Very Exciting New Features!

I decided a quick video was the best way to explain the demo some of the new upgrades coming and answer some frequently asked questions. I kept the video as short as possible. As always, if you have a question or if you need help with anything, please open a support ticket or post on the forum. We prefer the forum if your questions don’t include personal info, because it will help other members as well.

Submit Your Ideas

We love to hear from our Pro Members. If you have an idea or suggestion for one of our trading tools, please post your idea on our forum. If you would rather submit your idea privately, open a Pro Membership Support Ticket and explain your idea. We do our best to implement new ideas from our Pro Members.

TradeVision Support

TradeVision Support

From support tickets to email, dedicated forum sections and more. Pro Membership support is one of our top priorities. When you have questions, ideas or if you experience technical issues, we are here to help. You have lots of support options.