Innovecture launches TradeVision 2020, a Forex Trading System to help Traders generate income during the Covid-19 pandemic

Innovecture LLC, a Global Technology Services and Products company, announced today the launch of TradeVision 2020, a Forex Trading System for the retail traders. This new system is designed to provide a simple to understand, secure, and real-time trading indicators for retail traders to maximize their returns in the Forex market. Traders can take advantage of the successful and proven trading algorithms provided via various tools within the system, to trade currency pairs from anywhere in the world.

TradeVision 2020 provides advanced trading tools based on our proprietary algorithms which are usually available only for institutional traders. With this release, we have made these trading tools available for retail Forex traders. Some of the key capabilities of TradeVision 2020 are:

Ability to analyze each currency pair via their respective Base and Quote components. Available in multiple time frames and data sets.

Ability to measure trend strength and speed for 17 currency pairs from a single view. Available in multiple time frames and data sets.

Ability to leverage a trading system specifically designed for high-frequency traders.

Ability to utilize institutional level trading signals generated by our tools and data sets. We provide exact entry price with Stop and Limit levels. Single Stop and Limit per trade signal. No scaling or hedging.

“We all are aware that the unfortunate adverse economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we cannot control these unfortunate events what we can control is how we react to these events, how we keep a positive attitude and how we improve our physical, psychological and financial well-being by focusing on self, family and society. We are contributing the best we can to empower individuals during these times by giving them trading tools and the required training to take steps towards becoming financially independent” said Shreyas Kamat, Founder and CEO of Innovecture.

“The TradeVision 2020 platform is a result of our in-depth understanding of the currency trading markets, our continuous collaboration with the trading community to identify the exact need of the traders, our expertise in designing complex, large scale technology platforms and the use of state-of-the-art technology. We have a team of currency trading market experts and software engineers working around the clock to ensure that our customers get the best, secure, intuitive user experience and near real-time accurate information,” said Dan Campbell VP and CTO of TradeVision2020 platform.

TradeVision 2020 Trader’s Desktop is the central hub where all our trading tools live. Our platform is designed so any trader can navigate the dashboard no matter their experience.

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Our tools and technology have been in development for more than 15 years. Our venture is funded by Innovecture, a global technology services company based in Salt Lake City, USA and Pune, India

Established in 2007, Innovecture is a Global Technology and Management consultancy company, providing consulting, technology and research services to clients around the world. With a major focus on the banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) sector, Innovecture has an impressive global presence in providing strategic technology solutions and architecture that enhances the business goals of our clients. Innovecture has been recognized multiple times as a MWCN Utah 100 and Inc. 5000 fastest growing company. Innovecture has been privileged to be a major contributor in digital transformation projects for several Fortune 500 BFSI clients. For more information, visit or find the company on LinkedIn.

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